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Ujima Members Vote to Invest $200,000 in Comfort Kitchen

Boston Ujima Project is pleased to announce that we successfully reached quorum on the 2023 Comfort Kitchen Investment Vote. Members overwhelmingly approved a $200,000 loan to Comfort Kitchen over 4 years. Overall, 58.02% of the electorate participated in this vote, with over 90% approving the investment. Read more in the ballot results breakdown.

When asked why they wanted to invest in Comfort Kitchen, voters had a myriad of reasons to support it; some voters said:

“Everything I know about and have experienced with Comfort Kitchen assures that this business is aligned with Ujima's values. This is a community-based business that should be supported.”

“They are such a community-based restaurant. They've been building from the ground up through the pandemic and have managed to remain financially solvent and keep their core staff - which is impressive. and really deserve this support. Feels like a place [that] is for the community and truly built by it.”

Attending the investment meeting for Comfort Kitchen explained away any worries I may have had, and built my confidence in this business as a safe investment; in addition, they are committed to paying their workers well and have plans to convert the business model to worker-owned which is wonderful.”

Additionally, when asked how they would support Comfort Kitch beyond investment, voters committed to:

  • Commit to attending Comfort Kitchen events (53%)

  • Dine with Comfort Kitchen (92%)

  • Spreading the word about Comfort Kitchen (83%)

  • Other (14%)


In January, Comfort Kitchen joined the Ujima Good Business Alliance, which consists of an interview process that verifies that local organizations are operationalizing social justice through our minimum 36 Good Business Standards.

In addition to the funding provided by the Ujima Fund, Comfort Kitchen will also enjoy technical assistance, business development, and marketing support as part of its acceptance into Ujima’s Good Business Alliance.

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