April 18, 2024 – Over the weekend, Louise Baxter, a beloved community member, passed away surrounded by her family. Our hearts go out to Louise's family and loved ones.

Louise's generosity, contagious humor, and vibrant spirit filled countless Ujima gatherings. Louise was an early member of Ujima. She was an investor in the Ujima Fund. She was an active participant of Ujima's Outreach Member Team. She was a super voter, and was subsequently selected from a pool of eligible voters to serve as a Ujima Voting Delegate in 2021. She voted in every single ballot, except our most recent one. We know that she would have voted in this one, if she could have. And finally, she had a near perfect attendance record at our Political and Financial Education workshops and Investment Memo Q&A events.
She was, and will, always be cherished and admired by all who had the privilege of knowing her.
Louise's passion in life was her social activism, and she dedicated her life to improving the lives of working-class communities, seniors, and communities of color in Boston.
Beyond her involvement with Ujima, she was deeply engaged with organizations such as Mass Senior Action Council, the T-Riders Union (A.C.E.), Right to the City, Reclaim Roxbury, Building Pathways, South Boston Against Drugs, the South Boston Artists Association, City Life/Vida Urbana, the Boston Bicyclists Union, the Green Justice Coalition, and many more.
When discussing her legacy in an interview with Ujima, she said:
"I, also, really believe in community, and care about the community. I would like to see more collective effort, and see people have more voice and positivity. I see what I’m concerned about, what needs to be done, and I just do it."
Louise's commitment to community and collective action exemplifies her legacy of advocacy and compassion. We are grateful for the time we shared with her.
Below are some words from Ujima staff:
"If there was one person I know who would make it to an Ujima Wednesday, it was Louise. She came into every meeting unapologetically herself and filled with the commitment to care and community transformation. She was always ready to share updates and happenings all over the city.
I am so honored to have met Louise and been blessed by her humor, history, and infectious spirit. She was always willing to share and build with people. I am so grateful we have her joining a powerful lineage of ancestors that will be by our sides and guide us in this work. Her legacy will live on with me." — Mari Gashaw
"I met Louise in 2017, at the beginning of my journey with Ujima as a fellow volunteer and member. She was never afraid to say exactly what was on her mind, or take space, anywhere she entered. Her love for the communities of Boston was deeply held. Her belief in a world beyond the ones we occupy was deeply held. There is no language for the heartbreak of losing someone like this. Recently, someone told me there is no healing, only transformation. I have been transformed by Louise." — Cierra Peters
"Louise's walk was a living testament and example. Her verve, her commitment to 'living out her ideals,' her generosity, her humor, and her spunk.
As she said, 'I would love to see more community, less exploitation of resources and not wasting so much. People can get by with a lot less than they think, and we know that wealth, after a certain point, doesn’t make you any happier. As long as you have a roof over your head, a little bit of extra money to do something, and you’re not worrying about where your next thing’s gonna come, to food — that’s all that matters.'
I feel comfortable saying she figured it out. Her example for, and lesson to us: know when we have enough, appreciate when we have enough, and live as much with our hearts as possible. She created a large community that respects and loves her.
We are so glad to have walked with Louise." — Nia K. Evans
The funeral service is open to the public, and will be held at Caspers Funeral and Cremation Services, 187 Dorchester St., South Boston, M.A.on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 10am to 12pm; a graveside service will follow. We encourage all members, friends, and comrades who knew her to attend. Her full obituary, and guestbook, can be found here.