Boston Ujima Project is fueled by people live you who believe in community power, culture and collectivity to bring together neighborhoods and make another Boston happen.
Endorsement Policy
Boston Ujima Project has crafted an endorsement policy aligned with our commitment to being member-led. There are three opportunities for Ujima members to review and weigh in on endorsement requests:
Every 1st Wednesday | #CoDirect: on the first Wednesday of the month, we give members an opportunity to provide input through deeper organizational updates and space for discussion. As this happens on a monthly basis, endorsement requests that come to us with a minimum of 3 weeks' notice are ideal, however, we can accommodate requests with up to 24hrs notice. We encourage you to be present at #Co-Direct to present alongside staff, as well as answer any questions or concerns.
Every 2nd Wednesday | Endorsement Request Textline: Through the use of our texting service, members now have the ability to review and respond to requests via phone.
Every 4th Wednesday | Staff WIRE Newsletter: In our monthly Staff WIRE newsletter, we give members a final opportunity to give their feedback on any requests.
Please note our timeline above to time your requests to us accordingly. Ujima will make a decision regarding your endorsement request after these steps have been completed. If you have an endorsement request, please send it to comms[at] We will continue to make further refinements to our process. In the meantime, we're happy to support campaigns by spreading the word via our newsletters and social media. Thank you.