Everybody is an Investor

The Ujima Fund
The Nation's first Democratic Investment Fund
The Ujima Fund is a democratic investment vehicle raising capital to finance small businesses, real estate and infrastructure projects in Boston’s working-class Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color, as part of the larger Boston Ujima Project. Ujima, named for the Swahili word for collective work and responsibility, uses a participatory budgeting process in combination with traditional underwriting to put economic development decisions in the hands of community members.
Apre plizyè ane nan ko-kreyasyon ak manm kominote a, biznis, patnè de baz, ak sipòtè...
Fon Ujima kounye a louvri pou envestisman!
Kòm yon fon ki pa gen pwofi, Fon Ujima depann sou sipò w pou soutni ekip la ak infrastructure ki fè travay sa posib.
Estrikti Fon

An accredited investor is a person or a business entity who is allowed to deal in securities that may not be registered with financial authorities. They are entitled to this access if they satisfy one (or more) requirements regarding income, net worth, asset size, governance status or professional experience. Accredited investors include natural high net worth individuals, banks, insurance companies, brokers and trusts. As determined by the Securities & Exchange Commission's Regulation D, an accredited investor includes anyone who: has an earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year, OR has a net worth over $1 million, either alone or together with a spouse (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence).
A non-accredited investor is someone who does not meet the net worth requirements for an accredited investor under the Securities & Exchange Commission's Regulation D. A non-accredited individual investor is one who has a net worth of less than $1 million (including spouse) and who earned less than $200,000 annually ($300,000 with spouse) in the last two years.
Avèk òganizasyon patnè de baz nou yo, Ujima òganize asanble planifikasyon katye ak vil la ak plizyè santèn rezidan, biznis lokal ak anplwaye pou fikse priyorite envestisman ak vote sou envestisman ki ede reyalize objektif kominote yo pataje. Pwofesyonèl finans lokal yo ak Manm Ujima yo fè pati Komite Envestisman Fon an (IC), ki fè dilijans ak fè rekòmandasyon bay manm yo anvan tout envestisman come ak vote.
Nòmalman, pi gwo risk kapital compensated ak pi gwo retounen, men nou panse about risk yon fason diferan. Pou yon envestisè working class, yon $100 ka yon pi gwo risk pase yon envestisè rich ki envesti Ujima Capital Fund ap ogmante dola filantropik pou secure envestisman klas travayè yo.
envestisè yo epi sipòte retounen rezonab pou lòt envestisè k ap chèche enpak radikal ak envèstisman yo. Tèm final yo pral
dwe dekri nan yon Prospectus Fon ak ratifye pa kò vòt Ujima a.
Modèl patisipatif milti patisipasyon Ujima a debloke nouvo fason pou bese
investment risks and grow portfolio resilience. Ujima activates its base of community investors, organizers and business professionals to channel consumer dollars_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_to biznis ki oryante nan kominote a,
sipòte biznis sa yo ak hands-on technical asistans, secure purchasing contras ak enstitisyon anchor lokal yo,_politik sipò achat contracts 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_just ekonomi.
Asanble katye ak vil la
SEPTANM 2017 - OKTÒB 2018
Soti septanm 2017 jiska oktòb 2018, Ujima fè patenarya ak òganizasyon de baz yo pou òganize 2 Asanble nan tout vil la ak 3 Asanble Katye nan Fields Corner, Blue Hill Corridor, ak Dudley Square. pou detèmine ansanm valè ak priyorite yo pou la
Fon Ujima.
Asanble katye ak vil la
SEPTANM 2017 - OKTÒB 2018
Soti septanm 2017 jiska oktòb 2018, Ujima fè patenarya ak òganizasyon de baz yo pou òganize 2 Asanble nan tout vil la ak 3 Asanble Katye nan Fields Corner, Blue Hill Corridor, ak Dudley Square. pou detèmine ansanm valè ak priyorite yo pou la
Fon Ujima.
Jounen Envestisman Pilòt
OUT 2017
Nan mwa Out 2016, plizyè santèn manm kominote yo te rasanble nan Roxbury pou Somè Solidarite Ujima a. Atravè jounen Envestisman Pilòt la, 175 moun te envesti $20,000 demokratikman pou 5 biznis ki enterese nan Nwa ak imigran0. Tcheke yon rezime konplè isit la.

Ede nou grandi ak ranfòse yon ekosistèm pwisan.
Ujima ap avanse anpil estrateji entèkonekte ki gen ladan sipò biznis, edikasyon finansye, art ak òganizasyon kiltirèl, ak angajman jèn yo.
Nan nwayo vizyon Ujima a se yon avni kote kominote nou yo gen resous ak pouvwa pou posede pwòp tè pa nou, pwòp biznis nou yo, ak pwòp kilti nou. Kado de baz ki soti nan rezo sipòtè nou an se sèl fason nou pral rive la.
Ede resous devlopman a model pou envestisman demokratik ki ta ka transfòme finans epi ede kreye vil ki pi ekitab atravè peyi a.