Do Good Business
Ujima Good Business Alliance

1/1/23 - 30/1/23
Las aplicaciones están abiertas:
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The Ujima Good Business Alliance is open for membership.
Ujima Good Business Alliance is committed to advancing social and economic justice through the private sector. When you join the Ujima Good Business Alliance, we help you build sustainable business practices that align with your values, and access the resources you need to grow.
Obtenga acceso a los mejores recursos.
Como miembro de Business Alliance, su empresa recibirá acceso a una gran cantidad de recursos, que incluyen oportunidades para establecer contactos, apoyo de marketing y cursos de desarrollo profesional.
How to Join
Apply to Join
If you are a business we love, request an application online.
After your application is submitted, our Community Standards Committee will review each application to make sure businesses meet our Standards.
Questions, comments or feedback? Email us.